Ripple (XRP)

Yes, it’s fast but just be aware that the currency is only one part of Ripple, so price will depend on what XRP is going to be actually be used in/for.

Its close work with the banking sector increases its potency and it’s also interested in the cross-border payment market (as with the Stellar network – which is now quite a different animal).

This is a centralised company that controls this coin and holds a good portion of it themselves. It’s not what crypto is about (being beyond anyone’s control).

Still, it’s a major player with a multiple (realistic) approach and is all part of the show. Its XRP token could move in a more decentralised direction in the future.

(Aug 2018)
Sept 2018 update: xRapid cross-border payments coming soon. Potential growth for XRP token. XRP site section
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