Facebook announce Oculus Quest: Another small step or a giant leap?

Another big push from Zuckerburg and Facebook’s Oculus team slip users (especially gamers) deeper into VR landscapes… with the Oculus Quest.

Oculus Quest from Ade's Press

Basically, where the Oculus Go removed the need to insert your mobile phone, Oculus Quest will remove the need to attach a phone or to a PC while being as capable as the Oculus Rift.

Freer Roaming

This means it’ll have no wires attaching you to a PC, no external sensors and 6 degrees-of-freedom movement. It achieves this through some pretty neat tech including in-built sensors. Movement is also improved via the two touch controllers.

Headphones? No need… spatial audio also inbuilt.

This all means that VR will become even easier, (unnervingly) more free, and more immersive.

It’s set to be ‘aggressively-priced’ at $399 (64GB version, which is cheaper than a Rift or a PC) and for a more accessible Rift experience this is quite impressive.

It will launch with over 50 titles including a new Star Wars game: Vader Immortal. The device also plays Rift-compatible games.

Unleashed in Spring 2019.

Note: Will we also see more killer apps and more ‘useful’ or groundbreaking content that elevates VR into everyday life or business a bit more? Hopefully that too over time. Stay tuned as Ade’s Press continues its mission to highlight the greater trends and VR content.

It seems Facebook are sticking to their guns on their belief and commitment to the virtual frontier.

Check out the official Youtube trailer for Oculus Quest device.

Read the full Oculus Blog post.


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