The Fountellion Tarot Deck + ‘Quest for Balance’ board game design

Fountellion Tarot

There are lots of possibilities but here is the official Fountellion Tarot matching the traditional Major Arcana Deck. You can input this into your AI and generate longer readings from the below suggestions. You can also generate descriptions to describe each image (official ones coming soon hopefully).

Draw a card from the ‘Green Game’, a mix of spirituality, fantasy and nature…


Major Arcana Tarot Cards of Fountellion:

0. The Red Player (The Fool)
1. The Guardian (The Magician)
2. The Damselfly (The High Priestess)
3. The Green Player (The Empress)
4. The Game of Nature / The Island (The Emperor)
5. The Bleak Lord (The Pope)
6. The Emberfolk (The Lovers)
7. The Colours of Progression (The Chariot)
8. The Long-Eared Owl (Justice)
9. The Ruined Monastery (The Hermit)
10. The Routes to the North (The Wheel of Fortune)
11. The Stones at the Fountain (Strength)
12. The Doorway (The Hanged Man)
13. The Shaper of Nature (Death)
14. The Dreamspire (Temperance)
15. The Stoker (The Devil)
16. The Spiral Tower (The Tower)
17. The Insight in the Chakra (The Star)
18. The Blue Forge (The Moon)
19. The Village of Embertime (The Sun)
20. The Fall of the Tower (Judgment)
21. The Confluence (The World)


Here are (some) possible accompanying meanings of the Fountellion-themed Tarot cards based on the elements and themes and corresponding to the traditional Tarot deck titles:


  • 0.The Red Player: Represents innocence, spontaneity, and new beginnings. The Red Player signifies the start of the Fountellion journey, where players enter the virtual world with curiosity and a sense of adventure. (The Fool)
  • 1.The Guardian: Symbolizes power, transformation, and the ability to manifest one’s desires. The Guardian card reflects Greenwise’s role in guiding players and teaching them about their energy and powers within the Fountellion realm. (The Magician)
  • 2.The Damselfly: Signifies intuition, mystery, and accessing hidden knowledge. The Damselfly card represents the mystical aspect of Fountellion, reflecting the deeper insights and secrets players can uncover. (The High Priestess)
  • 3.The Green Player: Represents nurturing, permaculture, abundance, and fertility. The Green Player embodies the natural world of Fountellion and the harmony players can achieve by embracing its ecosystem. It is the sustainable things in your life. (The Empress)
  • 4.The Game of Nature / The Island: Symbolizes authority, structure, and control. The Game of Nature card reflects the players’ role as bound players within the Fountellion biome, where their choices influence the balance of the virtual ecosystem. (The Emperor)
  • 5.The Bleak Lord: Represents conformity, authority, mental obsession and external influences. The Bleak Lord card reflects the danger posed by obsessive or unsustainable mental ideas within the game of nature, urging players to remain true to themselves, be confluent and hold to what is vital, despite the temptations. (The Pope)
  • 6.The Emberfolk: Signifies love, harmony, goodness and choice. The Emberfolk card represents the connection between players and the island’s inhabitants, highlighting the importance of collaboration and relationships. (The Lovers)
  • 7.The Colours of Progression: Symbolizes determination, willpower, and overcoming obstacles. The Colours of Progression card reflects players’ journey through the different regions, driven by their desire to unlock insights and progress. (The Chariot)
  • 8.The Long-Eared Owl: Represents fairness, balance, and truth. The Owl card symbolizes the role of Greenwise and the nature of the entire island (without a voice to speak). It’s also the quest for justice within Fountellion, where players aim to restore equilibrium and protect and restore the nature and biodiversity. (Justice)
  • 9.The Ruined Monastery: Signifies introspection, solitude, and inner guidance. The Ruined Monastery card reflects moments of self-discovery and contemplation within the game, where players seek wisdom from within. It is also another symbol of hanging on to the past and the ruins of mental obsessions. (The Hermit)
  • 10.The Paths to the North: Symbolizes cycles, destiny, and change. The Routes to the North card reflects the ever-evolving nature of Fountellion, where players navigate through different paths and experiences. (The Wheel of Fortune)
  • 11.The Stones at the Fountain: Represents inner strength, heart, permanence, courage, and resilience. The Stones at the Fountain card embodies the challenges players face and the inner power they possess to overcome obstacles. (Strength)
  • 12.The Doorway: Signifies surrender, new perspectives, and letting go. The Doorway card reflects moments of transformation and surrender within the game, where players must embrace change to progress. (The Hanged Man)
  • 13.The Shaper of Nature: Symbolizes transformation, rebirth, and new beginnings. The Shaper of Nature card signifies the evolving nature of Fountellion and nature, and the opportunities for players to embrace change and adapt. It also represents the close vicinity to Game Death, which shapes all of the artificial life in the gamescape. (Death)
  • 14.The Dreamspire: Represents the perception of glory and power. It is not all an illusion, but the Dreamspire card symbolizes the need for balance and moderation as players strive to achieve the Insights and restore equilibrium. (Temperance)
  • 15.The Stoker: Signifies temptation, bondage, and materialism. The Stoker card reflects the allure of power and control within the game, warning players against succumbing to similar negative influences, but also keeping them alert and in fear. (The Devil)
  • 16.The Spiral Tower: Symbolizes chaos, upheaval, and sudden change. It is also the obsessive allure of change. The Spiral Tower card represents moments of illusion (confrontation with), deception and disruption within Fountellion, forcing players to adapt to unexpected challenges and be wary. (The Tower)
  • 17.The Insight in the Chakra: Represents hope, inspiration, and spiritual insight. The Insight in the Chakra card signifies the moments of clarity and inspiration players experience as they unlock insights and gain deeper understanding. (The Star)
  • 18.The Blue Forge: Signifies illusion, intuition, and the subconscious. The Blue Forge card reflects the dreamlike aspects of Fountellion and the need for players to trust their intuition as they navigate the virtual world. (The Moon)
  • 19.The Village of Embertime: Symbolizes success, vitality, and joy. The Village of Embertime card embodies the moments of celebration and fulfillment players experience as they connect with the Emberfolk and the village. (The Sun)
  • 20.The Fall of the Tower: Represents transformation, awakening, and self-reflection. The Fall of the Tower card signifies a pivotal moment of realization and transformation as players confront their inner conflicts, and dreams. (Judgment)
  • 21.The Confluence: Signifies completion, wholeness, and unity. The Confluence card represents the culmination of players’ journey in Fountellion, where they achieve a sense of fulfillment and unity with the virtual and natural world, an alignment of priorities which they will be able to maintain and are not transient. (The World)


These interpretations combine traditional Tarot meanings with the unique elements and themes of Fountellion, creating a rich and meaningful deck that reflects the game’s nature-oriented and spiritual aspects.


Fountellion: ‘The Quest for Balance’ Board Game


Overview: ‘Fountellion: Quest for Balance’ is a strategic and immersive board game that captures the essence of the virtual world ‘Fountellion’ and the journey to the Dreamspire. Players will experience the adventure, challenges, and growth as they traverse through the regions, unlock insights, and ultimately strive to affect Fountellion’s eternal balance.


Game Board: A map of Fountellion’s regions, depicted with vibrant artwork reflecting the colored chakras and diverse landscapes.

Player Tokens: Representing the standard avatars of the characters.

Insight Cards: A deck of cards representing the Insights acquired during the journey, providing advantages and strategies.

Event Cards: Cards that introduce challenges, opportunities, and encounters within the game.

Resource Cards: Representing the elements of nature (flora, fauna, energy) that players can collect and use. Teaches about their interconnections.

Action Cards: Cards that players can use to enhance their actions or thwart opponents.

Villager Tokens: Representing the inhabitants of Fountellion and their interactions with players.

Stoker Tokens: Representing the hungry, territorial forces players must overcome.


Players choose their characters and place their tokens in the starting region. The Insight Deck is shuffled, and Event Cards are placed face-down.

Turns: Players take turns. On a turn, players roll dice to move their tokens through the regions, encountering challenges and collecting resources.

Region Exploration: Each region has unique actions and challenges based on the corresponding chakra. Players can gather Insights, engage with nature, and interact with villagers.

Collecting Insights: To unlock the Dreamspire, players must collect Insights from regions. Each Insight offers benefits for the journey.

Challenges and Events: Event Cards introduce various scenarios, such as facing Stokers, encountering creatures, or learning new skills. Players must strategize to overcome challenges.

Balancing Actions: Players must balance their actions, managing hunger, desires, and their impact on nature. Overindulgence and Power use will attract Stokers (roll a dice).

Collaboration and Strategy: Players can collaborate to overcome challenges or compete to be the first to reach the Dreamspire.

Final Choice: The climax involves the ascent to the Dreamspire, where players confront the Bleak Lord. Using their collected insights, players work together to break the Dreamspire’s power.


Winning Condition:

Players win by shattering the Dreamspire and rebalancing Fountellion’s regions. If the Bleak Lord is defeated and all Insights are unlocked, players succeed in maintaining Fountellion’s balance or harmony. The tower falls and the game is reset.


Bonus Gameplay Element:

Include an expansion pack that allows players to customize the game board using modular tiles, creating new landscapes and challenges for endless re-playability.


Benefits of the Board Game:

Strategy and Decision-Making: Players must strategize, manage resources, and make tough decisions, mirroring the themes of the virtual journey.

Cooperation and Competition: Players can choose to collaborate or compete, reflecting the essence of the virtual world’s challenges.

Educational: The game introduces concepts of nature, balance, and the interconnectedness of ecosystems including taiga food chain, flora and fauna.

Emotional Engagement: The game captures the emotional growth and self-discovery experienced by the characters in the story.

Re-playability: Randomized events, modular tiles, and various strategies provide re-playability, allowing players to experience new challenges in every game.


Fountellion: Quest for Balance offers players a chance to embark on an exciting journey of self-discovery and protection of the virtual world’s ecosystem (and also the real) just as Jon and Dan did in their digital adventure.
See ‘Prompted: Journey to the Dreamspire of Fountellion’ as eBook on Amazon (2023)



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