Presearch: Get paid in crypto every time you search

Logo of Presearch project

Does getting a return for just searching sound too good to be true? Well, we’re in the age of the blockchain now you know. This is actually a great project to challenge the worrying Google monopoly on search, and the transparency of the whole affair.

I’ve just signed up and am blown away by the concept, the extensive dashboard, features for customization, even the tutorial… There’s been a lot of effort into this project and it incorporates nearly any search provider you want (as you can see under the search bar in the graphic above).

Here is the impressive list of providers you can include in your searches.

Main settings allow you to change colors and search-related options, and you can also enable a crypto-centric homepage.

So what do you actually earn? You earn the PRE cryptocurrency, an Ethereum-based token.

An ecosystem for search

Presearch’s aim is to disrupt Google’s influence as the primary gatekeeper to our web experience (in charge of over 70% of results in fact). That comes with centralised responsibility for blacklisting, controlling advertising and so on.

Over time, the plan is for a token ecosystem to develop, whereby PRE tokens will give holders the power to ‘vote on decisions, suggest / fund dev projects’. It will also reward developers for contributing to new features and projects, and enable advertisers to ‘purchase targeted, non-intrusive, keyword sponsorships.’

This will move search algorithm options more into the hands of a community via the token.

You can sign up via conventional email and password, but you can enable 2-factor authentication for the in-built wallet features.

Settings currently centre around a Rewards Account, a Portal Account (where you can also buy PRE) and a Savings Account. These obviously interact with each other, but can have different sections or dashboards.

Rewards that are eligible for withdrawal, can be withdrawn to an Ethereum address.

I’m still experimenting and exploring into this project so will update this post with more info as I continue to use it.

For now, if you’re as interested as I am, please consider using my referral link to start incorporating the Presearch project into your browser and web-user routine.

I’ve even added the browser extension so I can use it directly in my top search bar. It’s also compatible with Brave.


About the project
Token website for Presearch
News on Medium
Price of PRE on Livecoinwatch (April 2019 = $0.04751875)

April 2019


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